Private home, Tapiola 2022
Tilasi Oy / Erja Taipale
Kristian Stierncreutz
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Bathroom renovation: 10 most important things
We listed 10 things you should pay attention to when designing and renovating your bathroom.
1. Be early when choosing tiles
Plan your new bathroom carefully and take your time. Make a decision about the tiles in time before the renovation starts, because majority of our selection need to be ordered from different countries in Europe.
2. Let our professionals help you
Our tile selection is large, and it's easy to make right tile and building chemical decisions if you use our professionals or interior designer to help you.
Book a Consultation
When you buy your tiles from ABL-Laatat, book a consultation meeting with our sales staff.
There are many moving parts in a builder’s and renovator’s projects and decisions need to be made constantly. Once the house is drawn and a building permit obtained, it’s time to select tiles for your project.
In the consultation meeting we look at the floor plans, the style of the project, the color scheme and the images of the existing materials together – these are good starting points for choosing tiles.
Laattasuunnittelijan vinkit kodin laattojen valintaan
Keraaminen laatta on kestävä valinta. Valitse pintamateriaaleja, joita rakastat ja löydä oma tyylisi yllättävistäkin inspiraation lähteistä. Ota haltuun laattasuunnittelijoidemme vinkit laattojen valintaan.
Suuren laattavalikoiman äärellä saattaa kenelle tahansa tulla aluksi pieni hämmennys, mutta se vaihtuu nopeasti oivallukseen siitä, mikä omaan kohteeseen ja projektiin sopii.