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Book a Consultation

ABL-Laatat tile shop & showroom

Kirkonkyläntie 103
00740 Helsinki

Tile Shop tel. (09) 350 87090
Office tel. (09) 350 8700

ABL-Laatat - Suunnittelupalaveri

When you buy your tiles from ABL-Laatat, book a consultation meeting with our sales staff.

There are many moving parts in a builder’s and renovator’s projects and decisions need to be made constantly. Once the house is drawn and a building permit obtained, it’s time to select tiles for your project.

In the consultation meeting we look at the floor plans, the style of the project, the color scheme and the images of the existing materials together – these are good starting points for choosing tiles.

Laattasuunnittelijan kanssa kohteen suunnittelija käy läpi yhdessä pohjakuvat, uudiskohteen tyylin, värimaailman ja olemassa olevista materiaaleista kuvat – nämä ovat hyviä lähtökohtia laattojen valintaan”, ABL-Laattojen sisustusmyyjä kertoo laattasuunnittelutapaamisen kulusta.

Read these instructions before your consultation

The floor plans of the house or apartment can be sent in advance before the meeting at our tile shop or online meeting, so that your own sales consultant has time to get acquainted with them before the meeting. They should be included in the meeting at the latest.

– With new construction sites it is worth noting that the conditions of the home must be checked and measured on site before ordering, that the quantity calculation becomes accurate, our store staff advises.

With regard to tiles, it is worth moving forward with plans long ahead the tiling so that there is a sufficient time left for the design, ordering and delivery of the products' tiles.